Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Effect Of The Individual Personality On Success Essay

Countless studies and meta-analysis have been done on the effect of the individual personality on success, whether it be within the workplace or an educational institute (ETS, 2016). Academic success is largely attributed to intellectual ability in everyday life, even though this supports the literature that is intellectual ability does have a large role over academic success it is only one of many factors that can influence academic success, in this study the effect of intellectual ability will be tested against academic success of students to verify and reproduce the results that exist in abundance within multiple studies (Chamorro-Premuzic Arteche, 2008). Therefore, we will be testing whether the relationship between intellectual ability and academic performance is significant or not. This constructs the first hypothesis for the study: There will be a significant positive relationship between intellectual ability and academic performance A largely effective method of breaking up the human personality is using the Big Five Factor Model, this presents five traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness). Many studies that been done on each individual trait and their respective influences on success, however when individual traits are studied to observe their effect on academic success it is clear that some traits are more desirable than others if one is to strive within an academic setting (ETS, 2016). One trait in particular that isShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between The Big Five Personality Traits And Academic Motivation1136 Words   |  5 PagesBIG FIVE PERSONALITY 1 The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Academic Motivation 13366876 School of Psychology Bond University THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY 2 The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Academic Motivation: A Review of Personality and Individual Differences In this article, much is explained about the different learning styles, ways of achievement, and thinking patterns each individual has, but theRead MoreWhat Does Personality Predict Employee Performance?1732 Words   |  7 PagesExtent does personality predict employee performance? Explaining some of the extents personality has on employee performance is an important part in human resource management. This is because it helps to understand different types of people and how they will perform in industry. 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