Saturday, December 28, 2019

How Significant Was The New Deal For The American

How significant was the New Deal for the Americans in the 1930s? Franklin Delano Roosevelt put forward the New Deal in 1933 with aims to introduce relief, recovery and reform the American economy, in order to combat the Great Depression. The New Deal represent the culmination of a long range trend toward abandonment of the Republican policies of â€Å"laissez-faire† capitalism. The New Deal was truly astonishing due to the speed with which it accomplished what previously had taken generations which brought an air of confidence and optimism. FDR’s decision to take â€Å"direct action† to set up the Alphabet Agencies was welcomed by the many Americans, yet his policies still received strong criticism as many reforms were hastily drawn and weakly administration, including some contradicting others. The New Deal provided, however, a sense of long term security and economic stability to Americans, which had not ever existed before. Farmer benefited greatly from New Deal programs. Between 1932 and 1935, farm income increased by more than 50 per cent due to FDR’s federal policies. In May 1993, the Agricultural Adjustment Act was passed in order to make farming sustainable for farmers, as many could not afford to repay loans. The farmers in America did not prosper from the economic boom in the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† as produce was really cheap due to the surplus of food since the war, and only a few still owned land as many were evicted. The AAA paid farmers to destroy some of their crops andShow MoreRelatedEssay about American History644 Words   |  3 PagesHow did American society change in the two decades after the First World War? World War I was a catalyst of the great depression. U.S. attempted to rebuild for approximately four years after World War I. Due to the casualties of the war, the workforce was lacking. The repayment of wartime debts became tough for the people. They’re significant huge increase unemployment. Thus, parents were having significant problems feeding and clothing their families. Because of the lack of money there, wereRead MoreEssay on Great depression1599 Words   |  7 Pages*Weak agricultural and industrial growth in the US was due to foreign competition with domestic businesses, and a solution that helped both domestic and foreign economies grow mutually was not necessary. *The lack of individual and voluntary response to the depression, especially response from industry leaders, was the issue, and policies regarding â€Å"CEO philanthropy† should be encouraged in lieu of federal intervention. *Lack of employment was due to a lack of public projects and improvements whichRead MorePresident Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal1119 Words   |  5 PagesPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, he took office in one of the worst economic crises in American history. The preceding three years were three years of significant hardship that took a toll on the nation’s morale. 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Traumatic economic decline and wars will lead to changes in the definition of freedom, limiting freedom for Americans as the government and society demands unity and fears disloyalty. While middle class white adults conformed, the growing youth rejected conformity and for African Americans this was a time for resistance of inequality. In the 1960’s black and some white activists will see results from pressuringRead MoreEffects Of The Great Depression On The Economy933 Words   |  4 PagesTThe status of the economy when Roosevelt obtained presidency was characterized as very flawed and impaired. While President Herbert Hoover had relentlessly tried to mend the broken economy after the stock market crash of 1929 by establishing â€Å"Hoovervilles† and spending vast amounts of government money, the economy was still extremely damaged and broken. The Great Depression was not solely caused by the stock market crash, but a plethora of reasons. The stock market crash exposed the failing structureRead MoreFranklin Delano Roosevelt And The American History886 Words   |  4 Pagesthirsty Sheriff. These sharply contrasting perceptions of Franklin Roosevelt fully substantiate the complexity of his personality and also how multifaceted his policies were. These two contrasting views can tell us the exact ingredients of America’s longest and most successful president (Helmke 1) According to Goldman, Franklin stands astride the American history as an ultimate pragmatist who found the ideal way to react to events and a genius at selling his policies to the people under a bannerRead MoreThe Numerous Changes to America from Reconstruction to the New Deal1582 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica following Reconstruction was completely different from America during FDRs New Deal. In 1876, the government was based on the ideas of Laissez-faire which meant that government stayed out of the citizens lives. Society in 1876 was dominated by white men who ran the country while there were no rights for women, blacks, and immigrants. In 1876, Americans lived on farms in rural America. By the 1930s, America was a welfare state with government just starting to control different aspectsRead Moreap us history dbq1672 Words   |  7 PagesRoosevelt’s New Deal program attempted or achieved all of the following EXCEPT C.:-) supported the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. 3.The â€Å"New Immigration† was made up primarily of D.:-) persons from Southern and Eastern Europe. 4.By â€Å"normalcy† President Warren G. Harding meant not only peace after the recent war but also C.:-) an end to idealistic crusades and efforts at large-scale reform 5.Which of the following words best describes the spirit of American intellectuals

Friday, December 20, 2019

My Experience At Rockingham County High School - 2173 Words

Who are my students? Throughout this study and this semester, I have had the amazing opportunity to spend my time at Rockingham County High School. This school, as the name may suggest, is located in Rockingham County within the city of Reidsville, NC. There are an average of 1,160 students who are attending this school year. After a school demographics report for the year was released it was estimated that 82% of the school was primarily White/Caucasian, 13% African-American, and 5% of students fall into the category of other. This other category includes other ethnicities such as: Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, and Etc. For this study, out of the 3 preps I taught, I focused on my 90 minute CP (College Prep.) American History II†¦show more content†¦As I have said before I want to insure that all the students will participate by encouraging class discussion. I started by picking a unit that I knew personally I could discuss a lot about and be very passionate about. I also wanted to make sure I had time to get to know many of my students before I implemented the unit plan because I may need to change activities based of the individual needs of my students. I personally always write out my lessons on paper first so that way I can cross out and draw arrows and physically move things around. I have about 7 pages’ worth of notes and different ordered lesson days. I finally settled for the current order. I felt that it was important to try and stick with the order that America experienced World War 2. Which was hard because I try to see a history from a worldview because I do not want my p ersonal knowledge to be biased. So I personally had to re-order my lesson a lot in order to meet an adequate standard for American History 2. I did, however, start at a more worldview. This was because it was difficult to discuss the American points of view of World War 2 without the background of what was happening in Europe. So I spend the whole first day discussing Dictatorship and who the three main dictators were during World War 2. At the end of that day’s unit I ask students if Dictators are still a current occurrence in the world.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Examine the differences between the Hero and Claudio relationship and the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick Essay Example For Students

Examine the differences between the Hero and Claudio relationship and the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick Essay Examine the differences between the Hero and Claudio relationship and the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick. Throughout lessons we have read one of Shakespeares well-known comedies, Much Ado About Nothing. The comedy is well known for its tragedies, deception, mischief and love stories. In this piece of coursework I will be examining and comparing the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick and the relationship between Hero and Claudio, the two central couples in Shakespeares play. During the period when Shakespeare wrote Much Ado About Nothing, love and marriage was looked upon in a different way as it is today. In Elizabethan times it was not rare for arranged marriages to take place: especially within wealthier families. Marriage was often arranged between people depending on the wealth of both families. Fathers often arranged marriages between two people to gain more money, land or social status. In todays society on the other hand, marriage is mostly based on love between two people not what the families can gain from one another. In Elizabethan times there was a well known phrase called courtly love. Courtly love was invariably adulterous, largely because upper-class marriage at the time was usually the result of economic interest or the seal of a power alliance. The courtly lover, who saw himself as enslaved by passion but fired by respect, faithfully served and worshiped his lady-saint. Shakespeare is well known for his plays apposed to his poetry. Throughout Shakespeares comedies he often used comedy lines, love stories and tragedies. Shakespeares comedies often resulted in a couple getting married. Throughout Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare uses a variety of language styles; prose, poetry, wit and imagery. The language is also particularly rich in rhetoric. When Shakespeare uses poetry throughout Much Ado About Nothing it does not always rhyme but is set out like poetry. We can see an example of this when in Act 4 Scene 1, lines 119-121, Leonato accuses his daughter, Hero, of being unfaithful towards Claudio. Wherefore? Why, doth not every earthly thing Cry shame upon her? Could she here deny The story that is printed in her blood? Printed in her blood; shown in her blushes of shame, stamped on her life. Unusually, Much Ado About Nothing is written in prose, as opposed to blank verse. An example of this is shown when Dogberry, Master Constable of Messina, is talking to Leonato about the prisoners. Moreover, sir, which indeed is not under white and black, this plaintiff here, the offender, did call me ass. Dogberry has a great opinion of him self but an imperfect mastery of the English language, meaning most of his speech is not correct. Shakespeare has most people wondering why he decides to write in a poetry style and in other places in prose. The most likely explanation for this is that higher status characters, such as Beatrice, use poetry in important and more dramatic scenes, whereas prose is mostly likely to be used by the lower status characters, such as Dogberry, in more comical and less important scenes. At the start of the play, Beatrice is keen to know weather Benedick has survived the war as she secretly care for him. I pray you, is Signor Montanto returned from the wars, or not? Here in Act 1 Scene 1, lines 128-29, Beatrice asks the messenger weather Benedick has returned from the wars safely but uses the name Montanto, which confuses the messenger. Beatrice coins the name, with obvious sexual innuendo, form a fencing term for a fencing term for an upward thrust. After Hero puts the messenger back in the picture he replies that Benedick has returned safely from the wars. When Beatrice hears the news that he is safe she disguises the fact that she was worried about the well being of Benedick as if she did not care weather he was alive or not. Throughout the entire play, Beatrice and Benedick, accompany each other in battles of wit. This is one of the focus points of the play, showing Shakespeares superb intellect whilst writing. Both Beatrice and Benedick both try to throw one another in believing there is no slight chance of love. Both Beatrice and Benedick vow not to marry. We can see this from Benedick as in Act 2 Scene 1, line 224, Benedick announces to Claudio and Don Pedro; I will live a bachelor. He tries to fool them into believing that he hasnt any feelings for Beatrice. Throughout Act 2 Scene 1, Benedick is found, continuously, talking about Beatrice. It is now even clearer to the audience that Benedick has feelings for Beatrice. But that my lady Beatrice should know me, and not know me! Here Benedick refers to Beatrice as my lady making me come to the conclusion that Benedick does love Beatrice. By continuously talking about Beatrice, Benedick makes clear his feeling towards Beatrice, but still tries to disguise the fact that he has feelings for her. Benedick adopts the appearance of being a male chauvinist and Beatrice adopts the appearance of displaying resent towards the male gender. Beatrice also adopts the appearance of being an unconventional woman of the time era with her constant out spoken behaviour and witty intelligence, which presents a challenge to all male characters in the play. The couples background is fairly clear. We know that Beatrice and Benedick have known each other for a fairly long time. We can see by reading the play that they have a secret passion for one another but that they both fear to speak out about their feelings for one another in case the other does not feel the same way. Both Beatrice and Benedick continue to fight in battles of wit to try to disguise the fact that they both feel the same way towards each other. Beatrice often wins their battles of wit. I think this is because Benedick is sincere towards Beatrice and maybe even lets her win out of respect for her. As the battles continue throughout the play, chemistry starts to grow stronger between them both. As the play continues, the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick starts to blossom and finally results in the couple revealing their true feelings for each other. The couple finally pluck up the courage to do this with a little will power from other characters within the play. Hero and Ursula deliberately talk aloud about Benedicks feelings for Beatrice, so that Beatrice over hears. After over hearing the conversation Beatrice now feels she can also revel the feelings she has for Benedick, as she now does not fear the thought of rejection. Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand. In Act 3 Scene 1, Beatrice revels aloud that she has feelings for Benedick. In Act 4 scene 1, Benedick now knows that the feelings are mutual. Now the couple have become closer, Beatrice springs a conundrum on Benedick to kill Claudio or lose her. In Act 4 Scene 2, after hearing that if he does not challenge Claudio to a fight and hearing the consequences, Benedick finally agrees to challenge Claudio to a fight. I will challenge him. War and Peace and Anna Karenina Comparison EssayHe express how happy he is and how he is willing to give his future to the marriage. This is the point of the play where the relationship between Claudio and Hero officially begins. All is going well between them and we do not hear much about Hero and Claudio and they are only mentioned individually a few times until the wedding ceremony. The ceremony does not go to plan. Claudio hears that Hero has been unfaithful and decides not to approach her with the allegations, instead leave it till the ceremony where he plans to announce it and embarrass Hero in font of the entire church. We can now tell for certain that Claudio is immature, as he did not approach Don Pedro about the allegations that Don John had told him and now he does the same to Hero. Sweet Prince, you learn me noble thankfulness. There, Leonato, take her back again. Give this rotten orange to your friend. In Act 4 Scene 1 Claudio denounces Hero in front of everybody at the ceremony and everyone present seems confused and bewildered along with Hero. Claudio explains all and confronts Hero, making a big scene in the Church. What man was he talkd with you yesternight out at your window betwixt twelve and one? Claudio revels the rumours that he has heard earlier in Act 4 Scene 1. Hero denies all allegations and appears in a confused state. Shortly after the confrontation, Hero faints and the wedding ceremony is abandoned. It now seems to the audience that all is lost between Hero and Claudio and word travels around that Hero has died. All seems lost until Act 5 Scene 1 where Borachio, a follower of Don John, reveals to Claudio that Hero did not deceive or be unfaithful to him and in fact it was Margaret at the window. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦how you were brought into the orchard and saw me court Margaret in Heros garments, how you disgraced her when you should marry her. Claudio, now knowing the truth, feels full of regret and guiltiness as he now thinks he has lost the love of his life. Leonato then hears the truth and meets with Claudio and offers him the chance to marry his niece. My brother hath a daughter, almost the copy of my child thats dead. Hearing the news in the same scene, Claudio accepts Leonatos offer. I think Claudio is still deeply in love with Hero and only accepts Leonatos offer out of mourning for Hero. In Act 5 Scene 4 Claudio prepares to meet his new wife to be. When the new bride unmasks her self it turns out to be Hero. This is a great twist in the play. Another Hero! Claudio is shocked and awaits an answer, Nothing certainer. One Hero died defild but I do live, and surely as I live, I am a maid. This then concludes the development of the relationship between Hero and Claudio. They both finally reach the alter, for a second time, and finally get married. The wedding goes to plan this time and like many of Shakespeares comedies, the couple are expected to lead a happy and fulfilling life together. After studying the relationship between Hero and Claudio, I have established the similarities the couple share. Firstly, I come to the conclusion that both Hero and Claudio are not confident people. Claudio does not have the confidence to talk to Hero and approach himself. Therefore, Don Pedro does the talking for Claudio. Hero displays her unconfident manor in a different way. She is conventional in the relationship between herself and Claudio and acts like what people expect of her. She displays the tradition Courtly love throughout the relationship and displays all the actions a typical Elizabethan women was expected to do. Secondly, Hero and Claudio base their feelings for each other mainly on the looks of one another. Both want to marry at the start of the play also. Lastly, Hero and Claudio act more immaturely, apposed to Beatrice and Benedick. I cannot state any clear differences between the couple. When comparing the relationship between both couples there are similarities and differences. The main similarity and only similarity I can think of between both couples is the trickery used, resulting in both couple getting married. Beatrice and Benedick were tricked into confessing their love for one another and Claudio was tricked into thinking many things, although Claudio still ends up marrying Hero. There are many differences between both couples. Hero and Claudios relationship is based solely on the sexual love they have for on another. They are mainly in love with each others looks, making the relationship very shallow. On the other hand Beatrice and Benedicks relationship is much deeper, based on not only looks but also personality. Beatrice and Benedicks relationship took a longer time to blossom and the couple knew each other for a longer time apposed to Hero and Claudios relationship, which only starts to take place at the masked ball. The final difference is that Benedick and Beatrice took time to finally confess their feelings for one another, whereas Hero and Claudio announced their feelings for each other straight away. Overall, I think both relationships will last but to different factors. I think Hero and Claudios relationship will last but only on the fact that they have feelings for one another based on looks. I think Beatrice and Benedicks relationship will be the happiest as they have more solid foundations. They both have a lot in common; their views, intellect and history. I think the most secure relationship will be Beatrices and Benedicks. I think this as their relationship is based on more than just looks. The feelings for one another seem genuine and when analysing the couple it seems to me that they are a match made in Heaven. Overall I think Much Ado About Nothing is a magical and superb play showing Shakespeares gift for writing throughout. I enjoyed reading the play, as it did not fail to surprise me with its twists. I think it tells the history of Elizabethan marriage superbly. I enjoyed reading the battles of wit that took place between Beatrice and Benedick mostly. If I had the chance to see Much Ado About Nothing in theatre I would as I think it would turn out to be a very entertaining and enjoyable play. Shakespeares work did not appeal to me before reading the play Much Ado About Nothing, but now after reading it I will have to re-evaluate my thoughts as if each play is as superb as this one, I will be reading a lot more of Shakespeares works.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Leadership and Management Business Characteristics

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Management for Business Characteristics. Answer: Week 2 - BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence It began and became popular during the year 1995. He defined Emotional Intelligence as the idea of using the best characteristics, factors, values and skills as well as knowledge to enhance business performance and especially management (O'Boyle et al 2011). His EI model was called the Mixed Model whereby he came up with five main components which are: Self-regulation, internal motivation, social skills and empathy. Furthermore, Daniel decided to accompany every EI component to an employees emotional competence which is naturally possessed (Joseph et al, 2010). Apart from coming up with the model, he also came up with two of his own measuring tools which are: Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI) or the Emotional Social Competency Inventory (ESCI) and the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal (Joseph et al, 2006). Task 2: Personality Based Emotional Intelligence Test (MEIT) (5 marks) From the results of the test, there are four EI Descriptors i.e. they are: Self-awareness which seems to be the most important of them all whereby I scored 7 points. This means knowing your own personality more than anybody else and especially emotionally. Self-management which comprises of self-control, transparency and adaptability. For this I scored 8 points. Social awareness which comprises of empathy, organizational awareness and service orientation whereby I score 9 points. Relationship management that involves things that are related to the external environment or the outside of ones personality where I scored 5 points. Week 3 3: Emotional Intelligence Case Study (5 marks) 1.The employees are showing the emotional stress of losing their values or even skills and losing their jobs in case the bank business operations are changed by Mark. 2.Emotionally effective people are the people who are productive or efficient even with their emotions being put on the line. They value their business goals and objectives more than their personal emotional feelings and disturbances. 3. If I were Mark I would not try to change the banking operations so very fast before I get to understand the previous leadership skill and effects to the banking performance and to employees EI. I would also make sure that all the employees are in line, participating and in agreement especially when it comes to the business changing its emotional intelligence. Any business management needs this group of people because they are most likely going to achieve in or on time and the chances of them achieving the set goals and objectives are very high. The reason is because these are people are more focused towards the businesss goals than anything else. Max would have drafted a memo for each employee or for each banking department to announce the meeting place, time and the length of time it would take. However, he would also have communicates much earlier accompanied by its agendas so that the employees can prepare for it psychologically and physically too. By doing this he would have given time to think about the meetings agenda and also participate in the decision making and give their ideas and views. Week 4 4: Develop a workplace procedure for any one of the following organization. Use a Minimum of 8 bullet points to write the procedure. (10 marks) These include the rules and policies that may be involved in retail store that deals with clothing. Greeting customers and giving the details of the products, prices, features, benefits and the store as a whole. Assembling the cloths inside the store during closing hours (those that were in the display) and taking out for display during opening hours. Maintaining the payments records. Maintaining the clothing inventory. Being aware of the customers actions while in the store. Working with computers and other electronic machines. Ensuring that the store is safe done especially by store security guards. Keeping the store clean, arranged and tidy always to attract more customers. Keeping the stores accounts and financial statements correct and updated as expected by the management. Week 5 5: Scenario based case studies on ethical values and cultural diversity. (10 marks) 1.As an employee, I would go for the game because it was simply an offer that I did not ask for. For instance, I may or may not have done something for the private organization but because it is an offer and not a gift, reward, payment for or bribe then I would join them. However, if it is negatively related to my current organization or job or if the offer comes with any ties and conditions besides just watching the game then I would not take the offer. Furthermore, I would try to my best capability not to combine my personal issues and enjoyment together with my professional responsibilities and duties. Therefore if the offer seems casual then it will remain casual and if professional and independent from my current job or organization then I would take the offer. 2.If I were the manager to these employees, I would make sure that they are able to keep their personal enjoyment aside from their professional responsibilities. In addition to that I would ensure that if the game is to be watched for the benefit of the organization then that is done but if it is for personal importance and benefits then there no organizational funds that are to be used. Also, I would ensure that the cost of the game is worth the spending and not spent in an extravagant manner. Section 2 1.The issue is that the organization does not seem to higher employees from different cultures like the Indians. Also when it comes to the organizational parties, the foods for the minority cultures are not available. 2.If I were the organization manager I would make sure that all cultures from all over the country are represented and respected as they are. In addition to that I would make sure that in every traditional organizational party, every cultures traditions are respected and the foods are available. 6: Workplace diversity: Legislation, rules, codes of practices and business policies. 1.Direct Discrimination-Not allowing Africans to invest in a European Investment Organization Indirect Discrimination-Putting up tough laws that will discourage Africans from investing in a European Investment Organization. 2.Australian Laws Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 Sex Discrimination Act of 1984 Australian Human Rights Commission of 1986 Australian Capital Territory Act- Discrimination Act of 1991 Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 Fair Work Act of 2009 3.I would ensure that all those laws are adhered to by all the employees and especially the management as a whole. Week 6 7: Case Study: Performance plan and KPIs to improve team performance. (10 marks) 1.Document performance issues or the concern itself- This generally involves keeping a clear and detailed record of the employees performance (Adan et all, 2011). This will help the supervisor to monitor, evaluate and analyze the areas that need some improvement. Develop an action plan-This includes coming up with the exact schedule in terms of time, goals and objectives among other needs to be able to implement the performance action (McCutcheon, et all, 1993). Review the performance plan-This should be where the supervisor or employees themselves have a look and read the details of the performance plan together with the manager for him or her to verify its effectiveness and efficiency to the organizations goals and objectives. Schedule a meeting with the employee-The supervisor should set a meeting to give, give a hint and coach the employee in question (Ali, 2013). Do some follow-ups-This is whereby the supervisor makes frequent visits to the employee to check on the progress and proceeds of the plan (Voss et all, 2002). By doing this they will be able to correct them whenever they wrong as early as possible so that they do not mess anything up anymore and if they do it so that it can be meaningless (Skokan et all, 2013). PIP Conclusion- whereby the employee chooses either to rectify or not to rectify their mistakes or performances. Therefore, if an employee does not correct his or her performances then they are likely to get worse and therefore loss to the whole organization (Payangan et all, 2016). Therefore, when an organization employees undergo the above process, they are most likely going to improve or even be better and therefore will retain their old jobs. 2.Key Performance Indicators for a call center Call handling time First call resolution Transfer rate Time to answer Abandon time Idle time Hold time 3.I would ensure that the inputs and the directors are completely independent from each other i.e. none that relies on the other. Also I would ensure that there is perfect trust between the management, input producers and the directors to enable good and smooth operations. Task 8: Case Study: Supporting team performance (5 marks) 1.Groups that are well talented perform less than those that are less talented because of the pressure and desire for each of them to implement their own idea and skill in the group activity rather than coming together as one and agreeing on just one thing. 2.Group Apollo believed that they were the best and could do better on their own without the help of the others. Also they were so confident with themselves, their ideas and views and knew that they were more talented than the others. 3.Manchester United Football Team 4.If I were the coach for Manchester United Team, I would ensure that all the team members are well aware of the overall goals and objectives of the team and are focused and working towards achieving them. I would help them accept each others ideas and opinions on different issues and know that they are all matter when making the teams decisions. References O'Boyle, E. H., Humphrey, R. H., Pollack, J. M., Hawver, T. H., Story, P. A. (2011). The relation between emotional intelligence and job performance: A meta?analysis.Journal of Organizational Behavior,32(5), 788-818. Joseph, D. L., Newman, D. A. (2010). Emotional intelligence: an integrative meta-analysis and cascading model.Journal of Applied Psychology,95(1), 54. Ali, A. (2013). How to differentiate between Leadershipand ManagementFunction in Organization: A Review of Scholarly Thoughts.International Journal of Economics Business and Management Studies,2(1), 38-44. McCutcheon, D. M., Meredith, J. R. (1993). Conducting case study research in operations management.Journal of Operations M, 11(3), 239-256. Adan, I., Bekkers, J., Dellaert, N., Jeunet, J., Vissers, J. (2011). Improving operational effectiveness of tactical master plans for emergency and elective patients under stochastic demand and capacitated resources.European Journal of Operational Research,213(1), 290-308. anagement, 11(3), 239-256. Skokan, K., Pawliczek, A., Piszczur, R. (2013). Strategic planning and business performance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.Journal of Competitiveness,5(4). Payangan, O. R., Taba, M. I., Pabo, M. I. (2016). Factors Affecting the Business Performance of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Creative Economic Sector in Makassar, Indonesia. Voss, C., Tsikriktsis, N., Frohlich, M. (2002). Case research in operations management.International journal of operations production management, 22(2), 195-219.